Yumi and Keita, the creative duo behind STUDIO DOUGHNUTS, design everything from spaces to furniture and products. Their connection with Satomi runs deep, from selecting their engagement rings to designing SKJ’s Tokyo store. Their philosophy of creating spaces that complement the individual without being overly assertive is a value they share with SKJ. They love how Satomi’s jewelry isn’t just about the perfect design when you wear it — it’s about layering pieces to tell your own story and shape your unique perspective.
STUDIO DOUGHNUTSを手がけるクリエイティブ夫婦のゆみさんとけいたさんは、空間から家具、プロダクトまで幅広くデザインしています。ふたりとさとみとのつながりは深く、婚約指輪選びから、SKJの東京店のデザインまで多岐にわたります。個人を引き立てながら、主張しすぎない空間作りというふたりの哲学は、SKJとも共有する価値観です。さとみのジュエリーは、ただ身に着けて終わりのデザインでなく、重ね付けすることで自分自身の物語を紡ぎ、独自の視点を形作ることができるのが魅力だと感じていますと語ってくれました。
How did you meet Satomi and become friends?
Satomi and I met in 2012 during a trunk show at FHAMS in Kyoto, where I bought a donut-shaped earring. In 2013, I visited her studio in Union Square, NY, where Keita and I chose our engagement and wedding rings, which we still wear. After that we established STUDIO DOUGHNUTS in Tokyo. Over the years, we’ve stayed connected through various events and pop-ups, including SKJ’s first Tokyo pop-up in 2017. In 2023 we designed her first flagship store in Tokyo.
ゆみさん:わたしが以前勤めていた京都のFHAMSという会社で2012年にさとみさんがトランクショーを開催したときに初めて会いました。その時はドーナツの形をしたピアスを購入しました。翌年2013年に私たちがNYを訪れた際にはさとみさんのユニオンスクエアのスタジオに伺い婚約指輪と結婚指輪を購入しました。その後私たちは東京で STUDIO DOUGHNUTSとして独立しました。2017年にはSKJが初めて主催した東京でのポップアップイベントのお手伝いをしたりとその後も関係は続き、2023年SKJ初の路面店を東京表参道でオープンした際には店舗のデザインを担当させていただきました。
What was your first impression of Satomi?
Yumi: I found Satomi to be a quiet, kind person with a gentle smile.
Keita: She’s a perfectionist. When we stayed with her in Astoria, she made us rice balls for our flight—she’s attentive and thoughtful.
How would you describe SKJ’s brand?
What makes SKJ stand out for you?
Yumi: SKJ jewelry fits seamlessly into my life. I was never a big fan of jewelry before—I often found it bothersome or quickly lost interest. But SKJ pieces feel different; they're comfortable, like a part of my body. They’re the kind of jewelry that invites layering and makes me want to keep adding to my collection. I don’t have much to compare them to, but I know other earrings can feel heavy or irritating, while SKJ pieces blend seamlessly into my life.
Satomi is confident and incredibly skilled. I can tell Satomi has accumulated a lot of knowledge, skill, and material expertise, and she has confidence in her craftsmanship. She’s a person with a solid core who has worked hard and continues to create, no matter what happens.
SKJ があなたにとって特別な理由は何ですか?
ゆみさん:さとみさんのジュエリーは自然に私の生活に溶け込みました。私はそれまでジュエリーにあまり興味がなく、また着けたとしても邪魔に感じたりすぐに飽きてつけなくなってしまうことが多かったです。しかし、SKJのジュエリーは他のとは違い着け心地が良くまるで体の一部のようになります。もっと重ねてつけたくたくなる、コレクションを増やしたくなるようなジュエリーです。比較するものがあまりないのですが他のイヤリングは重かったり邪魔に感じたりすることがありますが、SKJ のジュエリーはすっと人の生活に溶け込みます。
What are some of your favorite SKJ pieces?
I own seven rings, a necklace, and four sets of earrings. I especially like the crown-like design of the wedding ring, which is an unique design and has a round shape rather than a sharp point, which is cute and typical of Satomi. And layered with matching jagged rings. For our 10th anniversary, we plan to buy a new ring. Originally, I wanted a One-of-a-Kind Opal ring, but when Keita talked to Satomi about it and Satomi suggested him to get a diamond ring! So I got an Mogul Emerald Cut One-of-a-Kind diamond ring as a surprise!
What personal values resonate with SKJ’s philosophy?
Keita and I value balance in our designs and we want to create a space that reflects the client's personality rather than our own, and that can only be achieved if the space is used. A perfect design is cool, but we like to create a space where the person belongs naturally and comfortable to be. It's similar to Satomi’s approach to jewelry. Satomi's jewelry doesn't just end with wearing it; it's wonderful that you can make it your own. Her pieces allow for layering and reflect the wearer’s personality, creating a harmony that feels deeply personal.
How would you describe your relationship with SKJ in one word?
Yumi: Love.